Preliminary Information

About the Researcher

This study was conducted by Sarah Glassmeyer, JD MLS.  Glassmeyer is currently a Fellow of the Harvard Library Innovation Lab and Affiliate of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society.  Prior to her appointment, she worked as an academic law librarian and in content development for a non-profit publisher of legal materials.  Her full CV can be viewed on her website and her contact information can be found there as well.


The author would like to thank the Harvard Library Innovation Lab and the Berkman Center for hosting her during the 2015-2016 academic year.  She extends grateful and heartfelt appreciation to Justia, Inc. for generously funding her activities during this year.  Finally, she would like to thank her friends and family for not freaking out too much when she told them she was going to quit her job and work on free law for a year.